RO-01 You Betcha Mix, High Fire

Rovin Ceramics



Creamy white, porcelain/stoneware with remarkable throwing and hand-building characteristics. Smooth and consistent, which will satisfy both disciplines.  This is the high-fire body for our You Betcha Mix

Contains less than 3% fine mullite grog, and no sand.  

Excellent results in atmospheric firing. 

Firing Details 

    Suggested Firing range is cone 8 to cone 10

    Shrinkage at Δ 6 is 15.04%

    Shrinkage at Δ10 is 15.58%


    Absorption at Δ 6 it is 3.16%

    Absorption at Δ 10 it is 0.1%

    Additional Details

    We cannot guarantee orders shipped in winter months will not freeze in transit.

    How To Order

    Enter your quantity amount in pounds.
    Be sure to order in 25 lb. not boxes.


    25 lbs. = 1 box

    50 lbs. = 2 Boxes

    All Rovin clays are available in 25lbs.

    When entering your quantity below, be sure to purchase in increments of 25lbs. Not in Boxes