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Kiln Wash

Raw Materials



Kiln wash is used to prevent your glazed pieces from sticking to the kiln shelf, should it come in contact with it during firing. If glaze melts onto your kiln shelf it will stick; kiln wash helps release pieces from your shelf. When the kiln wash begins flaking or peeling it should be scraped off your shelves and reapplied. You do not need to apply kiln wash with every firing and only apply kiln wash to the top side of the kiln shelf.

Other tips to help prevent glaze from coming into contact with your kiln shelves: always wipe off any glaze that has come into contact with the bottom of your piece, even if wax resist was applied, or stilt any piece that has a glazed bottom (for glaze firing up to cone 6). 

How to order

Order in pounds

Quantity 1 = 1 lb.