RO14 is back in stock RO14 is back in stock

B-Mix 5 with Speckles

Laguna Clay Co.



Introducing Laguna's new Cone 5  B Mix with Speckles. This clay has the same working properties as your favorite B Mix WC-401. This is a mid temperature, smooth, porcelain/stoneware that is very plastic and workable. This clay prefers slow drying and ample compression on rims and bottoms to avoid cracks.

    Firing Details

    Fire at cone 5

    Shrinkage at cone 5 is 12.47%

    Absorption at cone 5 is  2.47%

    Additional Notes

    We cannot guarantee orders shipped in winter months will not freeze in transit.

    How To Order

    Enter your requested amount in pounds.
    Be sure to order in 50 lb. increments.
    Ex: 50 lbs. = 1 box, 100 lbs. = 2 Boxes, etc...

    Laguna Clay is available in 50lbs

    When entering your quantity below, be sure to purchase in increments of 50lbs. Not in Boxes